Camping with my Brother
Everyone tells me that I have a unique relationship with my younger brother, my only sibling. I do.
Over twenty years ago we made a commitment to each other. We agreed that no matter what life throws our way that we would go camping every year for at least 4 days. Although we live a thousand miles away, every year he flies to Connecticut and off we go, driving up to Massachusetts where we erect my pop-up camper on a site that overlooks a beautiful lake.
It’s an incredibly special time to bond. For a brief period we recapture our childhood, sharing family memories, watching low-budget thrillers on a computer, fish, cook, read and, in general – just hang out. This year it poured rain all but one day. For many people that may have upset their plans. But, for us to be in the great outdoors and be together was a gift. We just enjoyed hunkering down and even relished in what others might think as an inconvenient weather intervention.
My brother is extremely centered, calm and patient which tempers my rapid firing neurons and gives me a sense of peace. He has a great sense of humor and his amazing creativity helps me see possibilities that otherwise would remain invisible and gain new and different perspectives. This year I was able to run several concepts for my new book through his unique perception. That not only opened up new ideas but helped me cement others in place. Dave also has a unique ability to question without threatening. He is able to make me look deep within and challenge myself.
One of our recurring conversations is how grateful we are for our relationship and how we wish other siblings could heal theirs. Inevitably we talk about the need to forgive and also wish that others could discover the value of becoming a forgiving person. I do feel renewed.

James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.