Yesterday, I watched a segment of a television news program on the 1981 attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan. It was a frightening experience to see how very close he came to being killed. Had it not been for the lightning fast reflexes of his Secret Service agent, there is no doubt that he would have died that day.
Watching this affected me on a deeply emotional level. A few years after that near fatal event, my wife and I were fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving in a safe family environment with the Reagans. It was eye-opening. No matter what you may feel about his politics, President Reagan was a kind, intelligent and extremely witty man. I instantly liked him.
I also had the opportunity to have a very intimate conversation with his wife, Nancy. I was slightly nervous because I had heard she could be a very tough woman. But, not with me. If fact, she quizzed me about my life, profession and dreams. During the conversation, I took a risk and asked her a very personal question. I inquired as to why she went to an astrologist after her husband’s near-assassination. With great emotion, she answered – “Every day I worried something would happen to Ronny. And, one day, my worst nightmare came true. I turned to anyone and everyone who could possibly help give me peace of mind. I think you would have done the same.” That is Nancy – honest and curious.
The lesson I took away from watching last night’s history lesson is that it pays to have someone watching your back. I doubt that anyone will – literally – have to take a bullet for you, but there are many ways a friend, family member or business associate can watch your back and protect you. It all begins with you watching others backs and protecting them. That’s how you gain loyalty.

James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.