Five Elements of a Vision

“The Magic of Quantum Leap Thinking™” Part 7: Hold a Vision

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

Helen Keller

Take a rubber band and stretch it between your hands. What does stretching produce? Tension. All creativity requires tension.

If you release one end of the rubber band, it will snap towards the secure end, and the tension disappears.

Imagine, tying one end of a mental rubber band around your entire being and the other end around what you imagine is your ideal future. If this vision of your future is solidly in place and you let go of the world around you, you will be propelled towards that future. You whisk past barriers, problems, and all the other negative circumstances until the tension is satisfied. This energy to move forward is exactly what a vision provides.


Hold a Vision


A vision is like a lighthouse: it illuminates rather than limits, gives direction rather than destination. All successful individuals and organizations have this in common: a positive, meaningful vision of the future, supported by a series of compelling goals.

What exactly is a vision? It may be eliminating world hunger, cleaning up the environment or improving the lives of people around us. But a vision is always greater than ourselves. Vision expresses our deepest values at work, family, achievement, or community. Vision transforms momentary strategies into a way of life. Vision engenders change. It plays a core role in our choice of career, partners, where we live, and what we do.

It is a common misunderstanding to equate a personal goal with a vision. But the differences are vast. A goal comes from the head; a vision comes from the heart.

A goal is a baby step towards a vision. A goal may be short-term or long-term; it has a beginning and an end. But a vision is an ongoing process. A goal is task oriented; a vision is process oriented. A goal is limited; a vision is open-ended. A goal is often boring, mundane and non-inspirational, but a vision provides energy, power and passion. A vision creates the energy to achieve goals.


Goals and Visions

A vision is an ongoing process


The Five Elements of a Vision


1. One vision is about others

Challenge the short-term quick result- “me, me, me“ way of thinking- since a vision of greatness must focus on adding value to and empowering others. A vision is about what we offer one another; it is an act of service. A vision inspires commitment because it’s worth pursuing for its own sake.

2. Vision is spiritual and idealistic

Our day-to-day existence is cluttered with practical matters. We’re busy and distracted, and we have our own priorities. Things get done when we find the time and the energy for them. However, when we appeal to the idealistic part of our nature and touch the spirit, we tap into an enormous reserve of both time and energy.

Vision is more powerful than logic. It may be impractical, unreasonable or lofty. It requires us to stretch. It may appear to ask too much of you. If so, then you’re on the right track.

3. A Vision is authentic

Authenticity means the vision comes from you. No one can make the statement for you. It must be personal. In order to “own it,” the vision must be an extension of your personal being.

4. Vision is extraordinary

A vision may require sacrifice, and we don’t make sacrifices for the dull and the ordinary. A vision must take a quantum leap from the mundane. If it spells out our highest ideals and wishes, it makes sense that it will stand above the commonplace. It will be radical and outrageous. It will set you apart from the crowd.

5. A vision is value based

Your personal values form the basis of and create the energy for your vision. Values function as a compass to guide our day-to-day decisions in the right direction.

Every client I have ever coached is required to craft a personal ‘vision statement’ because vision acts as a compass. For 30 days it’s important to measure every goal against their vision.

I encourage you to craft a personal vision statement incorporating these five elements. Keep it to a paragraph and then use it to craft your goals.

It’s truly magical.


I invite you to read the following blog entitled “Foresight First


James Mapes is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, coach and hypnotist. His most recent book IMAGINE THAT! Igniting Your Brain for Creativity and Peak Performance is the first web-supported book with access to 21 video-coaching clips.